Kearneys To Ghana

Reaching the lost for Christ in Ghana, West Africa 

Called. Yielded. Purposed.

• Population: 19,785,254 • Languages: English (Official), Akan, Ewe, Ga,
• Moshi-Dagomba and 52 other languages.
• Principle Religion:20-28%, Protestant, 21-38% Traditional Beliefs, 15-19% Roman Catholics, 16% Muslim
• Ethnic Groups: Akan (44%) Moshi-Dagomba (16%), Ewe (13%), Ga (8%), Gurma (3%)
• Death rate: 12 per 1000
• Life Expectancy: 57 years

 “I heard the voice of the Lord saying whom shall I send and who will go for us? Then said I, here am I; send me.” Isaiah 6:8

Learn the language and culture. Plant new churches. Evangelize and disciple new converts.
Train national pastors. Medical Outreach. Establish Christian Schools.

The Need

There are many churches in the major cities of Ghana, however there is a longing in the hearts of the people for the truth. There are only about 60 fundamental independent Baptist churches in the whole country of about 27 million people. There are about 15,000 villages in the country of Ghana, many of which are still under the oppressive power of Satan. In the environment where people accept Christ and continue to practice traditional religions, they need to renounce all form of idolatry and trust in Christ Jesus alone, to save them and provide for their every need.

Make A Difference

We need people who will partner with us by prayer, by finances and by joining us in this uttermost part of the earth. Who will help us make a difference as we plant churches and evangelize the lost in Ghana? You can take missions trips to teach VBS, provide medical and dental outreaches, teach Bible Institute, train literacy program teachers, provide KJV Study Bibles and Sunday school materials. We look forward to the Acree family coming to help us in the church planting efforts as they also use their gifts and talents to minister in the music, youth and puppet ministry. Will you ask God how He would have you to partner with the us as we endeavor to make a difference working in the field of Ghana.

"Then said I, here am I; send me.” Isaiah 6:8

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